Sunday, February 7, 2010

What a beautiful blizzard we had Friday and Saturday!!

I could go for one of these storms at least once a year. What a wonderful reminder of the beauty of Mom Nature. It looks as if everything has been blasted with a meringue machine. Isn't it amazing that the simple gifts are the most fun, the most memorable? I took a zillion pictures to put in a book and to send to family, but I've got some indelible imprints that will camp out forever in my head and heart.

I have just received word of a wonderful snow cream recipe using vanilla pudding. Thanks, Andrea! In the past I have only used snow, vanilla, and milk. What is your recipe? Let me know what special things you did during the "Blizzard of 2010." Did you go sledding? make snow angels? bake chocolate chips cookies? roast marshmallows in the fireplace? If you didn't have snow, how did you spend your weekend? Did you watch the rain? run on a beach? read in a tree house?

I'm on my way back outdoors...I think a long walk is the order of my day. Maybe I'll take a few more pictures, with or without my camera.